Competitor Analysis
Ever Wonder What your Competitors are up to?
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We know that identifying who your competitors are and what they are up to can be very helpful in developing an online strategy. A competitor analysis give you insight into what they are up to online.
Evaluating your competitors strategies so you are aware of their strengths and weaknesses puts you in the position of being able to compare to your own products or services .
Your company marketing plan should always include competitive analysis as it is critical to plan your own strategies.
SEO Optimised Website can take a look at your 3 biggest competitors and see what their digital presence is compared to yours.
We can tell you about your competitors’ backlinks, tell you about their web traffic, and let you know which keywords they use.
Compare what you are doing to what your competitor is up to. You might uncover some interesting information such as:
- Your online rank
- Your competitors online rank
- Find out who links to your competitors
- Other useful Information