This design is for a Fashion Clothing Label Logo Design for an Aussie online clothing retailer. The brief was for a simple logo that would transfer well to clothing labels and swing tags, but could also work in print and web. The logo can be used without the name below the circle, this would be ideal for presenting the logo design on a website or mobile app. The client liked the idea of using typography to convey a message of simple, well made garments for the modern customer. We have made a fair few fashion clothing label logo designs and we find that these logos require a lot of thought and planning.

We came up with a few ideas, but the client chose this simple and effective logo with an enlarged W and the fancy E. These types of accents make a logo more memorable. Using typography can really add to the logo and it makes it more versatile for many applications. This logo design can work for print and online but will also transfer well to embroidery and any other application. We love designing for clothing brands because it presents a challenge to us and we are always up for a challenge. Fashion clothing label logo design is one of our specialities. Clothing Logo by SEO Optimised Website - Typography