The client for this Landscaper and Pool Removal Business Logo wanted to showcase all of his services in the one logo. There are plenty of Landscaper and Pool Removal Business Logo designs out there that are very generic and easily forgettable. He was quite specific in that it needed to have grass, a wall, water and a man representing the R. Putting all of these elements together in such a way that still made sense was a challenge. The company has a few different specialities and we needed to reflect that in the logo design. We offer website design as well and we can incorporate the colours and shapes of your logo into the website design. If you are looking for copywriting for your new website then we can assist with website copy. If you need hosting or a domain name, we can also assist you with this. 

In the end using a shield shape, meant that all the elements could be placed inside giving it more cohesion. Breaking the elements up using white space was a good way to give a definite separation of the different colours and textures. Using a range of different fonts also gave each element it’s own character, differentiating it from the rest. This logo was a big challenge but in the end, we came out the winner and the client was very happy.Landscaper and Pool Removal Business Logo Design