Marriage Celebrant Logo brief entailed using an asymmetrical watercolour background with a cursive font. We added some modern elements such as the hand drawn arrows to work in with the company name and the addition of the rose gold fonts at the bottom really make this logo stand out. The beautiful use of pinks, black and white really compliments the fonts in this logo. The arrows give it a hand drawn feeling, although standard fonts were used. Wedding planning is a highly competitive business so it’s no surprise that the client wanted a modern logo that resonated with the clientele of the business. The fonts really bring home the wedding style of this particular design.
Our client wanted to stand out from other marriage celebrants who generally go with generic types of logos. The client wanted a super easy going logo that wasn’t restrictive for future growth. Keeping it fresh and modern is a good way to stay current.You can see this design works nicely with business cards and other merchandise. This marriage celebrant logo is shaped in a way that it fits nicely onto stationary as well as looking amazing on a website. Using a variety of colours and textures within a logo, gives it more scope when you are printing stationary and merchandise. This particular marriage celebrant logo would work really well printed on shirts, mugs as well as uniforms and car wraps.